Foreign employees in your company who have to learn the Dutch language?

More and more sectors in the Netherlands are hiring foreign workers who have everything in terms of knowledge. Yet there are practical problems because they do not speak Dutch. Within internationally operating companies, English seems to become the common language. However, at many companies Dutch is still the starting point and the daily language of communication. Speaking the Dutch language is a great advantage within the work environment but also in everyone's personal environment. It is a condition to feel better at home in the Netherlands and therefore to function better.

DEF@ctO offers tailor-made training!

Depending on the student's starting level, training is offered:

0 - A2 level (beginner)
A2 - B1 level (this is the level required to integrate into the Netherlands)
B1 - B2 level (advanced).
The course consists (per level) of 30 digital lessons. The student works on acquiring language skills and knowledge of customs and habits in the Netherlands. Speaking skills are additionally trained in small groups (3-5 students) under the guidance of one of our language teachers.

Per level we give a guideline of 200 hours of time investment by the course member to reach that level. The actual number of hours needed varies per student. The company can indicate the desired pace and discuss the possibilities with our advisor.

Soon more information about an on-location intense course!

Chance of succes?!

Learning a language is an individual matter in which the trainee has to practice and study many hours independently. If the company facilitates this and the colleagues on the shop floor help, the chances of success are greater.

Our experience shows that all trainees start enthusiastically, but also drop out when they have to do it all by themselves. Help, understanding, encouragement and support on the shop floor gives a greater chance of success. The student will feel more at home in the Netherlands and function better at work.